Thursday, June 24, 2010

not-so-perfect world

when you see a little girl sitting by the side of the road - crying
and all the while clutching her bruised arm...
in a perfect world,
you would say, "Oh, she must have fallen from her bike...".

in a not-so-perfect world,
we would usually say a whole different things altogether.
a lot of possible explanations pop into our heads...
for example, something that associates with the word "abuse", "mistreated", etc.

in a perfect world,
one would usually feel happy receiving 4-flat and even a chance to further study into Master level...
like i said, "in a perfect world".
if in a drama, the gal just pack her bag and boom! graduate with flying colors.

in a not-so-perfect world,
there are a lot of loops to jump through...
and the biggest pain being the Vitamin M...
MONEY. Hahahahaha....
Let's just say its settled (thanks to Mom and Dad),
comes in new problems - popping up like mold on a Gardenia bread.'s funny.

I'm waiting for the college office to open after lunch,
so that i could beg them to let me stay next semester.

i really don't care actually.
whatever. i'll think of something.

The not-so-perfect life crap is over-rated, if you asked me.
it's just life.

so, i WILL finish my Master,
no matter what.


Ermayum said...

iya reality bites and life is unfair sometime :)- you will Moonshin :) no matter what

Relyn Lawson said...

Yes, you will. As Winston would say, "Never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up!"

moonshin said...

Yes, i will survive this. i think, i've made peace with myself and i've discovered the whole of me this time...
thank you all for your support.